July & August Activities

San Juan Stargazers will have their July Monthly Meeting On Friday, July 26, 2024, at the Methodist Church on Lewis Street with doors open at 4PM for food preparation, DINNER SERVED AT 5:30 & A PROGRAM FOLLOWING.
This is a special “THANK YOU” MEETING and “pot luck” dinner. Those being thanked do not need to bring food. The “thank you” guests include those people who gave a Christmas gift to the San Juan Stargazers Astronomy Club and people who have participated in more than one Night Sky Program at Chimney Rock this summer. And it can also be for anyone else who wants a little thank you for the things they have done to keep a club like the San Juan Stargazers running. Thank You, Everyone for your hard work and dedication!!!!
I have always wanted to attend a POTLUCK that runs out of food. In the history of the Universe, I don’t think that has ever happened. This is how our dinner will work: YOU MUST RSVP SO WE KNOW HOW MANY TO EXPECT. JUST SEND A BRIEF E-MAIL with Name & number attending TO : Rwoman2000@aol.com THE CLUB WILL PURCHASE ITEMS FOR A DELICIOUS SALAD WITH LOTS OF EXTRAS. People who have time will meet at 4PM to make the salad. The club will also purchase cakes (various kinds) and ICE CREAM for dessert. Those who want to bring food can make a main, vege., or potato dish or whatever is not a dessert. The program will be ANDERSON COOPERS “CNN WHOLE STORY” ON THE JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE that aired in June. It was a great program that everyone should see. Hope you will be there!
In August we have three regular events at Chimney Rock. On Friday, August 2, is a joint CRIA/Stargazers Night Sky Program called Stars & Galaxies with the gate opening at 7:15 PM and program beginning at 8:15. On Friday, August 9, is the Night Sky Program called Our Solar System is when we focus our telescopes on the Moon. The gate opens at 7PM with the Program starting at 8PM. We will also have a 3rd Night Sky Program called Stars and Galaxies on Friday, August 30. The gate opens at 6:30 PM and the program begins at 7:30. We need volunteers for all of these programs, so if you can help, sign up at the dinner or please call Joan.
The Perseid Meteor Shower Program is August 12 & 13 at Chimney Rock. Gate opens at 7:30 and program starts at 8PM.
Our August Monthly Meeting is on Thursday, August 22, at the Methodist Church at 6pm social time with program at 7PM will provide an opportunity for everyone to bring your Eclipse pictures & stories to share with the club. If you are not a member, but went to some exotic location, please feel welcome to come & share your experience. We need to have a volunteer to help set up a way for people to share their photos. If you can bring your own system for sharing photos that will help. I hope we can find someone who has a system that others can use. Please let Joan know if you can help.
If you would like to join the San Juan Stargazers you will also receive Reflector Magazine which is the publication of the National Astronomical League of which you automatically become a member. To join both groups & get an excellent astronomy magazine, annual membership is only$25/ family. You can join the club at any of our events or you can join using Paypal on our website: sanjuanstargazers.org. Check out our continuously changing website with new information & wonderous photos. We can be your connection to our extraordinary Universe!