San Juan Stargazers’ monthly meeting is on Thursday, June 6, at 6PM for snacks & socializing with our program beginning at 7PM. We meet at the Community United Methodist Church on 434 Lewis Street. You can use the parking lot & enter at the side door right off the parking area. (We leave the front doors locked.)
There is a social hour starting at 6PM with coffee/tea and treats. (You can bring something to share if you want.) This is a great opportunity to visit & ask questions. When it comes to astronomy, there are more questions with answers continuously coming, especially with the help of the New James Webb Space Telescope. Never feel like you don’t know enough to join this group. We all can be forever learning & growing. The best thing is to be a “LIFE-LONG LEARNER” about astronomy, relationships with others & everything else in this Life. We have so much to learn.
The program for tonight will be presented by Dena Laterza, who has added so much wonderful technology to our club & Ranza Boggess who is a faithful hard worker & is ALL ABOUT TELESCOPES. It will be followed by 2 hands-on practice sessions on Saturday & Sunday nights with details given at the meeting.
If you have a telescope that you have not figured out or have always been curious about how telescopes work, these are the nights for you. Please join us & LEARN.
We are starting to gear up for a summer of great astronomy activity. We will have about 10 Night Sky Programs at Chimney Rock. If you want to learn how to use your telescope or one of our club telescopes it is time to get started at the beginning of the season. We have 2 Night Sky Programs in June & locals are always welcome. You can pay for the Program at our fabulous Gift Shop. On Friday, June 7, the gate will open at 7:30, with the program location determined by the weather. The title is STARS & GALAXIES. On Friday, June 14, the program is titled OUR SOLAR SYSTEM with most viewing being done on the moon, gate opens at 7:30.
If you would like to join the San Juan Stargazers you will also receive Reflector Magazine which is the publication of the National Astronomical League of which you automatically become a member. To join both groups & get an excellent astronomy magazine, annual membership is only$25/ family. You can join the club at any of our events or you can join using Paypal on our website: sanjuanstargazers.org. Check out our continuously changing website with new information & fabulous photos.