San Juan Stargazers are continuing this summer, along with the Chimney Rock Interpretive Association to have Night Sky Programs at Chimney Rock National Monument. The presentation on Friday, July 5th is titled Stars & Galaxies with the gate opening at 7:30PM & the program starting at 8:30PM. The location for the program at the Monument is always determined by the weather which also decides whether or not we can use telescopes. Decisions are made at the MOMENT!
On Friday, July 12, the Program is entitled Our Solar System. If we are able to use telescopes we will be focusing on the Moon. The gate opens at 7:30pm & the program begins at 8:30pm. At both of these events walk-ins, without reservations, are accepted. You will need to pay at the Gift Shop.
On Saturday, July 13, is a members-only star party. It will be at Hatcher Lake (south, off Piedra Road) and will start at 8:45PM. There will be a special time for people with binoculars lead by Maureen Kolomeir. People can also bring their own telescopes and we will have a few club scopes available.
On Friday, July 26, 2024, will be our July Monthly Meeting at the Methodist Church on Lewis Street with doors open at 4PM, DINNER SERVED AT 5:30 & A PROGRAM FOLLOWING. It is a special “THANK YOU” MEETING and pot luck dinner. Those being thanked do not need to bring food. The “thank you” guests include those people who gave a Christmas gift to the San Juan Stargazers Astronomy Club and people who have participated in more than one Night Sky Program at Chimney Rock this summer. And it can also be for anyone else who wants a little thank you for all the things needed to keep a club running. Thank You, Everyone!!!! (I have always wanted to attend a POTLUCK that runs out of food. In the history of the Universe, I don’t think that has ever happened.) This is how things will work: YOU MUST RSVP SO WE KNOW HOW MANY TO EXPECT. JUST SEND A BRIEF E-MAIL with Name & number attending TO THE CLUB WILL PURCHASE FIXINGS FOR A DELICIOUS TOSSED-SALAD. Grab a bottle of salad dressing out of your frig. on your way out the door. People will meet at 4PM to make the salad. The club will also purchase cakes (various kinds) and ICE CREAM for dessert. Those who should bring food can make a main dish, vege. dish, potato dish or whatever. Joan will be making melt-in-your-mouth meatballs from her most recently processed grass-fed steer raised at her property on her special yummy grass. The program will be ANDERSON COOPERS WHOLE STORY ON THE JAMES WEBB SPACE TELESCOPE that aired in June. It was a great program that everyone should see. Hope to see you there!
Our August Monthly Meeting which is on Thursday, August 22, at the church at 6pm social time with program at 7PM will provide an opportunity for everyone to bring your Eclipse pictures & stories to share with the club. If you are not a member, but went to some exotic location, please feel welcome to come & share your experience.