The “Privileged Planet” & Other U-TUBE Tools at July 22, 2021 Meeting

Pagosa Springs Colorado

The “Privileged Planet” & Other U-TUBE Tools at July 22, 2021 Meeting

       Our  next  San Juan  Stargazer  Astronomy Club Meeting will be on Thursday, July  22, from 7 to 8:30 PM at the Pagosa Visitors’ Center on Hot Springs Blvd. & the San Juan River. If you would like to relax with a cold drink or cup of coffee or tea & some stimulating  conversation,  you can arrive  after 6 PM  for  our  social  hour.   

      Our program, at 7 PM,  will be very interesting & quite practical.   The title is: “What U-TUBE  offers to Support  Astronomy.”    We will start with   a U-Tube film  called  “The Privileged Planet” which describes how lucky we are to have a place, like Earth, so perfect for our existence.   We will view several specific posts U-Tube has each month to help telescope  viewers.  Then, if time, we will check out posts NASA makes.  These all are tools we can use to increase our knowledge of Astronomy.

        On Friday, July 30, will be a members-only telescope viewing & training at Chimney Rock. The gate will open at 8 PM.  If you don’t have  a telescope we have several extra available. Our  club goal is to increase the number of deep sky objects our members can find.  We are  planning to  have a highly skilled  guest -astronomer  to help us.  We have already scheduled  Steve McAllister from the Westcliff  Observatory to be our guest astronomer on August 27, when he will especially help all interested  members learn to use our 2, 10- inch  Dobsonians  and  all of us will  later  practice expert  “star- hopping.”

We  also have Night Sky Programs at Chimney Rock 2 Friday nights each month.  The next will be on August 6, (Stars & Galaxies)  & August 13,  (Our Solar  System).  Locals come even if you don’t have a reservation since we most likely won’t  turn you  away if you act real  interested.  

Mark your calendar for August 11 & 12, which will be the First Perseid  Meteor Shower  Viewing  at Chimney Rock.  You will be able to view from your car or pick a special place to put a folding chair or cushions to lay out on in a sleeping bag.  It will not be like the finale at the July 4th Fireworks.  The Universe  has “much bigger”  explosions, but we always hope they take place in a different galaxy.  This will be a silent relaxing time at Chimney Rock under a dark sky with occasional bright  streaks of particles burning up as they  enter our atmosphere.  Every August as the Earth revolves around the Sun it enters the debris field of the Comet Swift-Tuttle and we get an extra display of “shooting stars.”  We will be able to imagine what it was like for ancient people to wonder what was so brightly streaking across the night sky. The later you view a meteor shower, the better the display, so we are planning on staying until after mid-night, but you can leave any time you want. We have 2 nights available in case of clouds & to have smaller groups.

At ALL OF OUR EVENTS we will follow the covid  regulations for Archuleta County & Colorado for that date.  Always bring a mask to be safe.

If you would like to join the San Juan Stargazers you will also receive Reflector Magazine which is the publication of the National Astronomical League of which you automatically become a member. To join both groups & get an excellent astronomy magazine, annual membership is only $25/ family.  You can join the club at any of our events.     To ALL MEMBERS: Your 2021-2022  Dues are due.  Use an envelope please, with your name & amount of cash or check made to Joan  Mieritz.

                 The San Juan Stargazers Club is part of the Astronomical League, which includes almost 250 clubs from all over the US.  Our local group also has a web-site—  CHECK  IT  OUT!!

We welcome everyone  to come to  learn more  about  our  AMAZING  UNIVERSE.  Hope to see you!