Pagosa Springs Colorado


San Juan Stargazers Coming Events:  7th Anniversary Dinner, “End of Year Celebration” and 2020 Deep Sky Calendars Scholarship Fundraiser

          The San Juan Stargazers monthly meeting for October will not be our regular Thursday night at the Chamber, but will be on Friday, October 25, and is called our “End-of-the-Year Celebration” for having completed 9 Star Parties at Chimney Rock and is also our 7th Anniversary Dinner.  It will be at a private home and “part-time museum” you will want to see and is for members & guests.  We have invited C.R.I. A. members who helped us at the Star Parties since their support is essential.  It takes a lot more than a row of telescopes & 2 speakers to have a successful experience for dozens of visitors each night. Safety is critical so we all work together in many ways to insure that everyone has a wonderfully memorable time, including the volunteers.   Our volunteers get the best benefits of being in a remarkable setting on the high Chimney Rock questa (not the top of the pinnacles) and viewing the glorious night sky including the ever-brighter Milky Way, each time they come.

   You must make a reservation for dinner this year and can then get the directions. Please call 303-995-2888 or our club number, 970-335-8286 by Thursday, Oct.24.  The time is 6PM and the cost is $5 for a delicious Italian Dinner with pasta and salad. The fabulous dessert will be provided by the Chimney Rock Interpretative Association to thank us for our hard work (and we thought we were having fun).   Hope to see all you Stargazers and C.R.I.A Night Sky support people!  It will be a party that is “out-of-this-world,” like only Stargazers can do.

         The year passes so quickly & it is time to get your 2020 Deep Sky Calendar. It is even more beautiful than last year!  If you study all the information on the calendar it is comparable to an Astronomy Class without exams.  Each day has a listing of objects visible in the night sky.  The fantastic monthly images are described in great detail so that after 12 lessons you have a sampling of all categories in the field of astronomy.  I give one to each of my grandchildren so we can talk about it and have fun learning together.  It is an easy Christmas gift to mail that is a reminder every day all year that you care enough to share the Universe.  It is a fund raiser for our Scholarship Fund.  Each calendar is $13, but there is an increasing discount for people getting multiple calendars.  You can call the RSVP numbers to get calendars.

        The San Juan Stargazers are part of the Astronomical League, which includes clubs from all over the US.  We have a wonderful new web-site—www.sanjuanstargazers.org, as well as an email address, sjstargazers@gmail.com and a club phone number 970-335-8286.

    We encourage everyone to develop an interest in learning about our  AMAZING UNIVERSE.  It is fun to live amazed!!