May Meeting with Middle School Principal to Help Improve Astronomy Curriculum

Pagosa Springs Colorado

May Meeting with Middle School Principal to Help Improve Astronomy Curriculum

                     San Juan Stargazers to Consult on School District Astronomy Project

                                              & How to Learn Summer Star Constellations  

       TheSanJuan Stargazerswill hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, May 23, 2019, at the Chamber Visitors’ Center Conference Room located at 105 Hot Springs Blvd.  The meeting is from 7- 8:30 PM. (SHARP)   Hot drinks, and a treat will be served at 6:30 with time to socialize.  

          Our program for this month will be meeting and brain-storming with Middle School Principal Chris Hinger who is working on a very expensive & exciting astronomy project that the Stargazers may be able to help with. He will present background information about the project. Stargazers can share their ideas & then we will see how we can work together to make it happen.

          With the time that is remaining we will have a specially designed lesson on using the summer constellations to improve our telescope viewing skills.  If you have wanted to learn the constellations, this method may be the answer. We are working hard because of our nine Star Parties this summer at Chimney Rock National Monument, plus we have an additional 10 practice sessions.

          Our first Star Party will be a Stars & Galaxies dark sky event on Friday, May 31, with the gate opening as 7:30 & program beginning at 8:15, followed by telescope viewing.  If you are interested in taking part in our Star Parties, but you do not have a telescope, the Chimney Rock Interpretive Association owns 4 telescopes, 2 are computerized “go-to” telescopes & 2 are manual 10-inch Dobsonians. We can help you learn to use either type of scope with operation manuals which you can study. We will have practice sessions for all telescope operators on Friday, May 17, & Friday, May 24, but they are for members only. Please RSVP to Joan if you will be coming.

        We do not have another Telescope Clinic scheduled for now.  But many people in Pagosa have a telescope which they were given or picked up somewhere, but have no idea how to use it or if it is even usable. The San Juan Stargazers want to help you learn how to use it or fix it.   You may call 970-335-8286, with a little information about what you have and what you may be needing in the form of help.   We will match you with a club member and set up a convenient time & place to meet. We want to get as many telescopes as we can working. You can have an amazing summer learning how to use it at both the Star Parties & practice sessions.   2019 is the year to add this amazing dimension to your life!!!

          The San Juan Stargazers are part of the Astronomical League, which includes clubs from all over the US.  We have a new web-site—, as well as an email address, and a club phone number 970-335-8286.

    We welcome everyone who has an interest in learning more about our  AMAZING UNIVERSE.