The Sombrero Galaxy

The San Juan Stargazers will hold their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, January 24, at the Chamber Visitors’ Center Conference Room located on Hot Springs Blvd. The meeting is from 7- 8:30pm. Hot drinks will be served around 6:30pm.
Our program for the evening is about the famous Hubble Image of the classic edge-on Sombrero Galaxy. Sombrero is part of our galaxy group of 40- 50 closest galaxies known as the Local Group. We also will take a look at Charles Messier, a French Astronomer who between 1758-1781 identified over 100 of the brightest objects in the night sky. He did this because his goal in life was to become famous by discovering a comet which, like Haley’s Comet, would bear his name. He never found a comet, but he is more frequently remembered for his list of Messier Objects.
We will also study about Edwin Hubble’s discovery of the concept of galaxy which took place in 1925. Just think how Astronomy has grown in the past 90 years going from Hubble discovering the first galaxy to a telescope with his name making it possible to see billions of galaxies. This is mind boggling stuff we study. You may want to join us.
When you are packing up holiday decorations notice the location of stored telescopes. It seems almost all families in Pagosa have at least one. We will soon begin having Telescope Clinics so that you can learn how to use it or fix it and perhaps share that enjoyment with others. It is something to prepare for and look forward to this Spring.
The San Juan Stargazers are part of the Astronomical League, which includes clubs from all over the US. We have an email address, and a club phone number 970-335-8286,
We welcome everyone who has an interest in learning more about our Amazing Universe.