Regular Meeting on August 22

Pagosa Springs Colorado

Regular Meeting on August 22

Casa Rincanada in Chaco Canyon

Stargazers to Evaluate Club Activities & Review Lecture

TheSanJuan Stargazerswill hold their regular  monthly meeting on Thursday, August 22, 2019, at the Chamber Visitors’ Center Conference Room located at 105 Hot Springs Blvd.  The meeting is from 7- 8:30 PM. (SHARP)      

         Before the meeting, at 6PM we will have a Telescope Clinic.  Many people in Pagosa have a telescope which they were given or picked up somewhere, but have no idea how to use it or if it is even usable. The San Juan Stargazers want to help you learn how to use it or fix it.   You may call 970-335-8286, with a little information about what you have and what you may be needing in the form of help.   We will match you with a club member who will help you. Then you can have an amazing time practicing with your telescope at our Star Parties & practice sessions.   

          It takes time & effort to do our 9 star parties at Chimney Rock, so we will take special time at this meeting to  appreciate each other for all we do while we enjoy a very delicious treat.

         Then there will be time for an evaluation, both written & discussion, of our club & the summer star parties,.  Please be thinking about ways that we could improve how we do things.

          The actual program is a review of Dr. Ellingson’s lecture on August 8th. Ann Marie Kemp was able to get her power -point presentation for us to review & analyze. 

It should be a good evening of enjoyment & learning.

          The San Juan Stargazers are part of the Astronomical League, which includes clubs from all over the US.  We have a new web-site—, as well as an email address, and a club phone number 970-335-8286.

    We welcome everyone who has an interest in learning more about our  AMAZING UNIVERSE.